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These Will Be My Protagonists
A. B. Yehoshua, Mr. Mani, 1983
The City of Gold
Naomi Shemer, “Jerusalem of Gold,” 1967
I, Thou, and Us
The Martin Buber Archive, 1878–1965
A Bohemian in Exile
The Else Lasker-Schüler Archive, 20th century
A Brand Plucked from the Fire
S. Y. Agnon and Martin Buber, Corpus Hasidicum, early 20th century
Color Coding the Bible
Solomon Mandelkern’s Bible, late 19th century
Autograph of a Legend
Diwan of Shalom Shabazi, 17th century
The Lover
Sultan Suleiman, Collected Poems of Muhibbi, ca. 1553
In Maimonides’s Own Hand
Maimonides’s Commentary on the Mishnah, 12th century