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Elegy for the Thirty-Five
Haim Gouri, “Here Lie Our Bodies,” 1948
Beyond Heroism
Hannah Szenes’s Last Note, 1944
Archiving a Friendship
The Walter Benjamin Collection, 20th century
The Correspondence of a Cosmopolitan
The Stefan Zweig Collection, 1900–1942
The Last Poem
Rachel the Poet, “My Dead,” 1931
Friendship over Politics
Letter from David Ben-Gurion to Uri Zvi Greenberg, 1927
Franz Before Kafka
The Max Brod and Franz Kafka Archive, 20th century
On the Road with Mozart
Mozart’s Letter to His Wife, Constanze, 1790
How to Run a Muslim Empire
Abu’l-Fazl ‘Allami, The Administration of Akbar, 18th century
Fragments of our Shaikh
Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah, Three Epistles, 14th century